Friday, September 25, 2009

18 weeks

Its a BOY! I feel like I have been waiting forever but we finally found out yesterday that its a boy for sure! I took an "intelligender test" (its a test you buy in the drug store and pee on and its supposed to be 80-90% accurate) and it was wrong, it said girl, so I definitely don't recommend them. My doctor warned me that it is wrong for most of her patients.

The ultrasound was really amazing, my baby actually looks like a little human instead of a bean. At first I just saw this round circle and I had no clue what I was looking at then all of the sudden he moved his head forward and he looked just like a turtle but then I realized the shell was the front of his round belly! We decided he has Rick's nose. We saw the baby yawning (second ultrasound) and I think it looks like he is smiling in the first ultrasound so that was very cute! He was moving around like crazy and covering his face so hopefully he has not inherited Rick's stubbornness but we were able to see that he has all his limbs and bones and everything looked good.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

12 weeks!

Two weeks ago I heard the babies heartbeat on the Doppler, which is an ultrasound that detects sound waves or something like that. The heartbeat was really fast. Its amazing the baby already has its own heartbeat, brain and blood supply but I still have to call it an it! I am a month or two away from finding out if I am having a boy or a girl. My doctor told me she could find out at 16 weeks but I have an appointment right at 15 weeks and I only go once a month so unless they make a special appointment for finding out, my next appointment wont be until 19 weeks.
On the bright side I am now 12 weeks so I made it through the first trimester with no morning sickness!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

6 weeks

OK this black blob is the baby now! Its just the one, no twins, thank goodness! The spot that I assumed was the brain is the heart and it was fluttering. It was really unbelievable to watch something like that, this early. The other spot is a yolk that has nutrients in it and I think it is in the place I would expect the heart to be, closer to the middle of the body. I wish I knew more about reading ultra sounds but I have faith that everything will end up in the right places! They tell you how far along you are by the ultrasound machine measuring your baby, those machines are amazing, how did people do this before ultrasounds! They have officially set my due date at 2-25-10 which seems like forever to wait.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This tiny black dot is our baby!


My husband Rick and I stopped trying not to have a baby when we got married Dec 05 then we started trying to have a baby when I graduated college in May of 07. Absolutely nothing, not even a late period in all that time. When May rolled around again this year we went to the doctor to discuss our problem. After ruling out other possible causes my doctor prescribed me clomid and I was just sure that this medicine would help me get pregnant! I anxiously awaited my period so I could start the fertility medication but it never came.
I took three pregnancy tests, all said "pregnant," still not convinced I made Rick pee on one to make sure the box was not defective, his said "not pregnant."

I somehow knew that the clomid would make me get pregnant, I assumed I would have to take it but I guess all I had to do was buy it!